Well I have alot to say right now, and alot of people to thank for everything they have done for me. I know that I haven't been able to do as good this year as I would like to have. I lost people who where very dear to me. I temperarily lost the ability to dance as well as I have. My grades have suffered and the stress only keeps piling up. Needless to say its been a very hard year for me. I have a lot of reasons to be angry, but I'm not. I'm greatfull for the experience.
You know I've decided what to do with my life. I'm going to focus on my dancing. I want to make a career of it. Maybe someday I'll open up my own studio. I actually do have someone to thank for this decition. For just believing in me. It made me want to prove you everyone that I can. I doubt he knows how much it ment to me and I honestly don't know if I will actually ever see him again. His name is Dax and he is on stage crew at our school. We were talking after our ballroom festival at school and the fact that he thought I could do it felt amazing. He's that stanger that passes through your life who changes its course without even knowing. SO thank you Dax for believing in me.
I also want to thank Christian and Hillary. My old coaches. They have really tought me so much and not just about ballroom. They willl be mentors and second parents to me. They believe in me and push me. They are the reason I am who I am. The reason I want to persue dance and ballroom. I want to make them proud. I want to show them that I can. They are who I dance for every day.
I also want to thank my current coach, Andy. He truely makes me feel like I have something to prove. I want to show him just how great of a dancer I really can be and what I really can do. I feel like he doesn't quite realize it. In his own way he pushes me to always be doing my best. and I am greatful for that.
I want to thank Ryan. For making me stronger. For pulling me out of the dark place I was in. Its not a place anyone wants to be in. I really don't know Where i'm supposed to go from here. I know there are many more challenges and I don't know where I will end up. But I am greatfull that he's been there. Thats all I've needed.
I want to thank my dance partner, Michael, for being sweetly supportive and understanding this whole year. I will never forget him. I'll tell you now. A dance partner like that is amazing and you end up with a relationship that is so unique and unexplainable. The bond between you and your partner is strong. Its a conpletely different and rare kind of love. And I thatnk him for being there and being patient while I've gone through some really rough trials.
I wnat to thatn my friends. Jessie, Emily, Kyle, Josh, Maddie. All of them for just being there and listening. I've been twiterpatted, Hurt, completely crazy, and so much more and they stick with me through it all. I'm sure they get sick of me at times but what else are friends for right?
Lastly I want to thank or Heavenly Father for placing these people in my life. I know he has a plan for me and loves me. I may not always understand but i'm greatfull for all the lesons he is teaching me. I don't know where I would be or if I would even be here if where not for these people in my life. Always there when I need them. Always knowing what I need.
I know its alot of thank you's but I'm very greatfull to them right now. I know threre is a reason they are all in my life Even if i don't know why or how or anything that will happen later in my life they have influenced it alot. In a good way. Thank you to everyone who has ever put up with my razy sef. I love you all. You guys mean the world to me.
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